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Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Our mascot E.M.W. Mule

Here he is Enrique Montague Wales - our amazingly clever charity mascot. He knows exactly where he wants to go and he's going! sing a little song with him " ain't no mountain high enough, ain't no valley low enough.." too flippin' right! He's as smart as ne paint and twice as tricky but he's spot on for learning new things. This year Enrique will be taking part in Horse Agility as well as learning to be driven in the EMW Wales Saddle Cahriot. coem and meet him at our WHOLE HORSE WEEKEND Rowanoak, Brecon Powys 25th to 27th June. He'll wow you just like he wow'd us! wouldn't it have been a shame for him to have ended up for slaughter - that was his fate before EMW Sanctuaries stepped in. You can donate towards Enriques keep as well as all our other resident horses/ponies at both our sanctuaries by following the link HERE

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