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Tuesday, 9 February 2010

More snow and sub zero temps coming

Winter winter go away and don't come back.We've had one smashing day last week when the rugs came off and the mud was rolled on! These two are both late twenties and both are looking so good this year. At least geting one day out of rugs is a plus. For us volunteer staff it's heavy going with mud replacing snow right now. The ponies are all beginning to show signs of moulting out winter coats and are itchy so using everything they can to scratch. The old damson tree in the back yard, poor thing, has only got half a dozen branches left right high up and it's poor bend trunk is rubbed almost smooth from constant use.

The mud is an evil substance it has super glue power and yesterday had my wellies in it's grip. Unable to move my lower body the upper part kept going and down I went -SPLAT! knees, hands and glasses all coated in a cold brown sludge. I didn't realise how many four letter words I knew until then.
To add insult to injury EMW Fred decided to gain entry to the haylage stack.Clearly the fencing battery had lost it's ummph. Shifting him out I carefully bandaged the assaulted bales with repair patches and changed battery and for good measure added another lower strand of fencing tape. That'll stop him!
This morning guess where Fred was. We are actioning Plan B this afternoon watch this space!

Today office work includes booking Trustee space on Animal Welfare Meeting Westminster 17th March as well as travel and accomodation for same. Also bringing accounts up to date from day book to month balance sheets and last but far from least the dreaded filing.
Preparation for the WHOLE HORSE WEEKEND is next in line as bookings are beginning to come in for trade space and demonstrators. Loads of space to fill so contact us emw@emwuk.org.uk if you want to come along with either trade stand or want to demo your skill/products AND we also want folk music on the evening of the 26th so if you play music and can sing we want you too  June 25th 26th & 27th held at Rowanoak Training Brecon Powys.
Sadly the NIGHT OF 1000 STARS isn't going anywhere by the lack of interest. It's the last time we'll try to run this kind of function. such a shame as we've worked our butts off trying to get it off the ground. 
Funds as always are an issue so if you fancy helping this charity out a little follow this link HERE

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