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Saturday, 13 February 2010

We will NOT look away- but will you?

How many times and in how many ways can we tell you how bad things are?
This blog is here for day to day stuff but right now the lack of funds and regular income for this charity is having a huge impact on moral for everyone of us who volunteers and works -unwaged and buying their own uniforms - within this charity. Right now we are at a huge crossroads.
Do we keep on doing our very best to help ponies like little Fin (left) sold in auction for £2.00 at just 3 months old, weak and frightened, and only saved from the meat lorries by the kind donation of those few pounds, a few pounds that this charity desperately scrapes up each month to keep our financial heads above water. If it wasn't for the subsidisation that comes from our own private income then EQUINE MARKET WATCH Sanctuaries UK would have gone under a long time ago and the little ponies that this charity has helped, like Fin, would have faced the horror of journey on meat lorries and abattoir end.
Our accounts last year put us firmly in the red and 09/10 accounts are depressingly showing once again that the previous year of deficit will widen this year. With monthly feed costs alone at well over £500 and monthly income, on average, at less than £200 it doesn't take genius to realise how things are.
Our sanctuaries 4x4's are clapped out and we have no funds to replace them nor can we take out lease contracts, our income just isn't there, yet the workload at both yards relies heavily upon these vehicles. when they are gone I don't know what will do. I have already this year had to walk 5 miles in severe weather carrying a full 5 gallon bucket of feed when EMW Herefordshire4x4 failed. I don't know how much longer I will be capable of such dickensian work and do the usual jobs at the yard out in subzero temps morning and evening.
Senior Trustees are working day in day out trying to keep this charity high profile using all the latest media tools, Twitter, Facebook, Google etc but instead of moving forward we seem to be losing ground.
As a double whammy Fundraising events we organise seem to fall flat - NIGHT OF 1000 STARS is now in serious peril of not running with only 20 tickets sold.
Make no mistake we cannot find ourselves in a postion where fundraising events actually cost this charity by losing money.
We simply do not have the funds to give it away in such a fashion and cannot afford mistakes 
EQUINE MARKET WATCH Sanctuaries UK is not in competition with other equine charties as we have never taken in huge numbers of horses, believing that stock-piling rescues is not the way we wanted to go. Our work is in the markets/auctions/fairs but to do that work we do need financial support. Without financial support  not only can our representatives not do the job of monitoring equine welfare but our sanctuary yards even with our restricted numbers will also be under huge threat of closure.
We need to generate greater funds and attract support from sponsors who are willing to cover our feed/veterinary/transport costs.
We also need to ask our public supporters to remember EQUINE MARKET WATCH Sanctuaries UK in their Will and Legacy planning.
In short after a long diatribe SUPPORT US OR LOSE US.

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