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Wednesday, 13 January 2010

feral horses and those abandoned

EQUINE MARKET WATCH Sanctuaries UK are calling for changes in the current legislation and penalties regarding equine welfare and especially  the abandonment of horses are concerned.
Right now in the middle of the harshest weather for decades the number of horse sin trouble has soared. this charity alone is taking more than 30 calls every day from horse owners and concerned members of the public regarding equines in trouble across the UK. In Ireland the number of abandoned horses and ponies runs into 1000's with many starving and dying as the cold weather bites deeper.
Already the next crop of foals are waiting to be born with the majority coming into a world that has no place of safety or care for them.
It's high time the owners of these huge herds, of what amounts to, semi-feral animals were taken to task and hit hard with increased laws and penalities to protect vulnerable animals. It's time that the days of any old joe being able to go buy such a large and dependant animal as the horse, many bought on a whim, were over.
Calls to help feed the feral mountain and moorland ponies are now being made but this could lead to serious trouble as callous owners dump unwanted animals in the hope that they will get fed too . Lets hope that doesn't happen but fear already that is happening across the UK following the problems in Ireland.

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