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Monday, 25 January 2010

evolving to go forward

Just getting over raging flu along with other family members and volunteers. Every single step and movement involved in the caring of the sanctuary horses and ponies this last week has been torturous. Coughing and aching we've struggled on regardless, still picking up horse droppings despite snow and thick mud of thaw and rain. Coping with night and morning head on it's happened and at one point even without certain volunteers we had come to rely on. It's been as grim as it gets. Trying to even get to the sanctuary in Herefordshire has been problematic. Ice and snow causing downright dangerous driving conditions and with the old 4x4 beginning to seriously fail the thought of the next lot on the way fills me with dread. We can't afford to buy in to replace the truck, we can't afford lease a decent one, we have to manage and hope a miracle turns up.

At one point the 4x4 simply packed up leaving me walking and  carrying a fully laden 5 gallon bucket of barley and hot water 2 miles to the sanctuary. At times like this I begin to question how much longer I can actually physically carry on. How much I actually want to carry on coping. My position is hauntingly similar to that of Hannah Hauxwell HERE maybe not as extreme but still pretty grim.
Okay so I'll put what here we need. A decent 4x4 with a good strong engine and running gear. It doesn't need to be pretty nor does it need to be new but it does need to be reliable. And what do we expect this kind of vehicle to cost? Well the price for the charity is irrelevant as we'll never have enough come in that isn't ear marked for other more urgent needs.
I guess I'll be walking a whole lot more.

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