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Sunday 8 January 2012

January 2012 Sanctuary News

January at Herefordshire Sanctuary.

The grass is green, daytime temps ranging from 6C to 12C...could be any month really  but although the general feel is more spring than winter we've had gales most weeks. On the whole I prefer this weather to the snow of last year.
Daily 'blogging' has now moved to our facebook page EMW-UK FACEBOOK PAGE
but  it doesn't  toll the death bell here by any means. It's just time that is tight to bring the blog up to date. It's not like there isn't much to talk about with welfare of animals in the UK  abysmal and our esteemed welfare ministers  turning deaf ears to those of us who take time to inform them of what is wrong, how we feel things should change and how to implement those changes.
right now it feels like no one is interested. Campaign groups spring up and  ideas are bandied about and there is much hot air but then that fades and nothing changes. so hoe do we go forward? Sanctuaries ( rescues) are not the answer by  a long way. Non of us can make much difference and with  world economies  falling apart the precious funding we all need gets ever smaller and harder to bring in. The law makers have to get tough, have to make those who wilfully neglect and abuse pay. No longer should we hear the plaintiff wail of 'civil liberties being breached' and 'minority group persecution'  those two defences should be thrown out before they are uttered. I my world it would one offence against an animal and you are hit with the harshest penalty the law allows ( and penalties need to be  extreme)
I know all old fogeys harp back to 'when I were a lad'.. but in all honesty  we had got it almost right  and we had real deterrents, real decency, real values and compassion in our world many decades ago. then along came the liberals and blew our world apart and with it went all the values that kept the majority of vulnerable creatures safe and cared for.
If I could I would happily take us back to a time when if you did wrong you got punished, be that a kid at home where a clip round the ear taught you to not do that improper thing again. where teachers were respected and a little feared for the cane  kept us all in line. where older folk could walk safe and sure and enjoy their  lives. Where fould language was frowned upon and considered  common and uncalled for. ... where kids were taught to care for animals and not harm living things. Long gone now , those times ... so what should we do? I actually think  society has gone too far to get it back now. I think  that we are on the brink of a vigilante style society ( it's already here in many inner cities)  and that our government is out of control of the population with our Police unable to take control and hamstrung by the very laws that should be protecting the law abiding public.
In a sentence, God help us all. Maybe 2012 is armegedon but with the destruction coming from the inside  instead of from outside of our fragile world.