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Sunday 29 November 2009


This charity EQUINE MARKET WATCH Sanctuaries UK reg 1114700 works in auctions, markets and horse fairs across the UK. It is staffed by unwaged volunteers with all donations going to the upkeep of the horses resident in the two sanctuary bases, in Herefordshire and Powys. Both Sanctuaries have a maximum numbers policy so we can give our residents a good quality of life and all resident horses are with us because they have problems that won't allow the charity to place them in pre-checked loan homes. The charity currently has 70 horses and ponies out in excellent homes across the UK. During the last year we have noted month on month a decline in donations/income which has resulted in a £2000 hole in our necessary funding. We need support to allow this charity to continue it's work and to be able to offer places and sanctuary to horses and ponies in peril. There are many ways to support this small but important UK charity. We have various up coming fundraising events including an evening of glittering entertainment and super prize auction.This event is booking tables and individual tickets right now. It will be held in Worcester on March 27th, starting at 7.00pm More details of this and other fundraisers can be found on the website http://www.equinemarketwatch.org.uk Please consider joining our 100 Club too. For just £5.00 a month subscription you could win a prize of £45 (this prize level rises the more players are involved) Details are of the 100 club also on the website. This year we have 2010 calendars on sale. Costing just £5.00 incl of P&P they make a great present for horse loving friends and family. Lastly our resident horses are open for sponsorship at just £20 for a year, this makes a nice present too as it comes with gift card, small gift, and quarterly news about the chosen horse/pony as well as all the news within the charity. Sponsorships are tailored to fit the age of the person receiving the package. Last date for Christmas Sponsorship gifts is December 8th. We appreciate all our supporters very much indeed and to say thank you have a wonderful summer event THE WHOLE HORSE WEEKEND held near Brecon Powys where you can camp over in fabulous surroundings and enjoy a great social and educational two days as well as a folk evening and craft stalls to browse. Look out ofr more details in Early January. In Spring 2010 we will be holding open days at our Herefordshire sanctuary but our sponsors are always welcome to visit whatever the season of year within our opening times schedule, in winter we advise wellies and warm clothing! Please help..we can only continue to be there and stand by our motto of "WE will NOT look away" with the support of the public, fundraisers and donations. Thanks for reading this.

Saturday 28 November 2009

I think this might be it

How do you write a piece about funding - lack of it - without it sounding like a winge, without it sounding Uriah Heap-ish and without it being the same old same old?
I wish I knew.
All I can state are the nasty facts that causing sleepless nights and constant worry about how much longer this charity can hold on?
With no reserves and nothing to borrow or trade against we are right here and right now on the bottom line.
If you want us in auctions, if you want us to be there for these vulnerable horses and ponies, if you want us campaigning and providing sanctuary to those in need then donate HERE now today because the stark truth is time is fast running out and we are in the mire AND MAKE NO MISTAKE THIS CHARITY WILL CLOSE

Thursday 26 November 2009

I'm sitting in the cold and drafty 'dungeon' office and with twice as much work to do as is humanly possible by one soul and I'm asking why I'm am pondering the total unfairness of life in general?
It's like a series of cross roads, life, Nay! it's a dark maze!
Life...take the wrong turn and it sets a rotten pattern that's hard to change. I got to thinking about what if's...What if I had said no instead of yes or vice versa, what if I had worked harder or had different principles, stronger ones, or maybe less strong ones?
I play the time travel game in my head a lot lately. Mulling over where it would be best to return to in time and this start again and this time get it 'right' whatever that is.
Trouble is go too far back and it's Wham! no kids who by and large have been a joy and a source of comfort and friendshipt to me..and of course if I went that far back, by default, there would also be no grandchildren...no! that's no good then
So the pre-marriage, young and free me era would have to be ruled out then
Mmmm in that case it would have to be before the second marriage..but wait! that's no good either..that rules out a lot of very good friendships made in the last 18 years, not to mention O/H no.2 himself! Oh dear it's all too much to think about and what's this to do with Sanctuary news ? Well it's all about me I suppose and the dreaded Winter months ahead of struggling physically and financially and all the dratted self denial of basic things most other women take for granted as their right ( hairdressers/make up/ lie-ins et al )
I give up so much for these horses, for this charity...I must be getting old, I'm feeling it's almost time to turn the clock back...or forward

Thursday 19 November 2009

Horse Tax? pah...what a con

I'm furious, no! more than that, I'm astonished, astounded and so angry I could burst at the total apathy that is seemingly the current 'trend' (and how I hate that 'trend' word ! ) in this sad country we all barely exist in.
Apathy is in so many areas of our lives these days it seems to be the norm, the shrug of shoulders, the ' whatever' factor, but when this apathy touches me directly I'm angry and I'm up on this old soap box of mine shouting and hopefully rallying the ranks, so here goes!
Okay so many town/city dwellers equate horse ownership to having bags of spare money and boundry-less lands huge properties and hand servants, but that's not so.
The majority of horse owners in the UK are everyday folk, living frugally and caring for their horses on meagre budgets, getting up in the dark, to do their stable/field work, before going to work a long day (that's if they are lucky enough to still be working in bursting Britain that is! ) and then running the whole routine again at the other dark end of the day. They do this willingly and mostly uncomplaining because they actually care deeply if not love those fourlegged hairy beasties.
These same people already pay out huge amounts for horse feed in fact huge amounts that carries the name 'horse' in it's description on the packet/bag/box (+ VAT) then there's farriery every 6 to 10 weeks (+VAT) and the drreaded but pretty much expected Veterinary needs (+VAT) and lastly the burden of the farcicle passporting system.
Most of these people travel to their horses as they don't lord it in palatial dwellings so pay more in fuel duty than most, once again propping up the greedy government coffers and most likely many, due to all the afore mentioned stress, drink the odd bottle of wine or beer to numb the effect of being so hard hit, that's another dip in the pocket for tax then.
You'd say by that lot that the horse owners of the UK have probably paid their extra contribution to the taxmans coffers but oh no! we are now facing a direct tax, a tax levied straight at us, a pay up or else tax...a tax per horse (there is terrifying talk of £100 per animal) which means sanctuaries like EQUINE MARKET WATCH Sanctuaries UK with many horses/ponies to care for as unplaceable residents will have to find in excess of £3000 to be 'legal'
Our situation right now, in this greed of Banks induced recession, is that our charitable backs are right up slap bang up against the wall. No doubt many individual owners will also see this as the straw that breaks the tax burdened camels back. Many will have to give up their beloved horses. Many will be turning to charities such as our s for help. Most will be turned away meaning a huge number of horses/ponies will be destroyed simply because of a tax that is unfair and unjust.
We will not survive this economic downturn unless our charity funding increases and we will definately not be in a position to pay any tax or additional charge placed upon us in the near future nor the long term one as it stands. Our own sanctuary residents are now in a precarious position too.
Don't let apathy, and the idea that this tax won't happen, stop you from writing to your MP today demanding that this unfair and unnecessary burden is withdrawn because if it isn't then mark my words, horse ownership will, without doubt, become only the priveledge of the rich and sanctuaries such as EQUINE MARKET WATCH Sanctuaries UK will disappear for good.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

busy life but could do better

We've done 3 auctions in 10 days not to mention those done by our many contacts across the UK. Each time we go it costs us in fuel and giving up weekends that most people use for catching up on sleep and spending time with their families and friends. So here I am having a moan about things and then I get to thinking about the forlorn and frightened faces of young foals pushed into sales ring and herded round with a tacky number stuck on their skinny little rumps, judged by their pedigree as to if they have 'value' or not...listen up! how many of us mongrelised humans would pass muster in an auction ring? not many, I'm a mongrel too so I know! You overhear conversations when standing in auctions "I don't like that one, look at it's markings" and "don't bid on that it's a colt" and "That's no good it's got white feet" and with a cruel twist of genetics the hammer falls on a pathetic 5 guinea bid and it's into the pens for the meat trucks.

We watched a ridiculous display what is best described as circus tricks in the auction ring at Beeston Castle on the 11th November. What in god's name a seller thinks that standing on the back of a 2 year old horse proves I cannot fathom, same thing for the TB, poor thing, such a degrading exhibition!
With more auctions to come and a bad venue on the 5th December which we will be attending it's
looking like a bleaker than ever Christmas and New Year ahead. DONATIONS anyone?

Tuesday 10 November 2009

worth another mention

Can you grant any....?

We are always grateful to receive donations to this charity as well as items from our wish list below
However you decide to support EQUINE MARKET WATCH Sanctuaries UK you can be sure that your kindness will be put to good use with our resident horses and helping those in auctions, markets and other places of sale



1)Replacement of tired equine transport. Ideally we would bow down and worship the ground one ran on and a donator who bestowed - a 3.5 ton horse box dedicated to the charity - For a reasonable condition lorry this wish would be £4000.

1a) one year of running costs OF ABOVE met. Costed out athis wish would be £1000.

2)Field Shelters are always wanted. Mobile ones give us more options. We really wish for four, two for each sanctuary. Each shelter with delivery is £1000.

3) Rubber stable matting. Each sheet is £34.00. For both sanctuaries we would need 20 sheets.

4) Twin wheeled Wheelbarrows would make the daily hard physical slog a little easier on our voluntary staff. We would like four, two for each sanctuary.

5) Volunteers. Ideally we would like 2 more at each sanctuary. They are priceless.

Sunday 8 November 2009

Sometimes you wonder why you do this job

Thank goodness for volunteers is all I can say. Without them the days spent in auction would be even longer. I got off to Brecon at dead on 8-45am and bar one quick stop for fuel, got there just after 10-00am. The place was heaving. I didn't even get a look round this time but could see pen after pen after pen full of little bodies.
This time we wer on a mission. A definate home waiting for two babies and we also had the funds to hand to do this job.
In they came, some in nice condition, some a bit skinny. First of the day, a little grey sectionA colt made 5 guineas (£5-25) not much for a life is it? They always look so pitiful, you wonder just how much they really do comprehend of their potential fate that is the fall of the auctioneers hammer.
By 2-00pm we'd got two on our ticket. A really dark 6 month old filly looking terrified and standing shaking with fear before being herded outside again and a well made coloured colt destined for EMW Wales. The last to come to us happened a few minutes later. Wild-eyed and scared in came a really brown/bay skinny 6 month old filly with a nasty nylon rope headcollar digging into her poor face and £45 (£47.25) guineas later she's safe too.
Loading is no fun. Chaos. Screaming foals and mares crying out for lost babies that may have gone in a different direction that day. We watch displays of macho-ism as headcollars go onto heads that haven't ever had human touch before, we watch some pretty bad loading. Then it's our turn and our three weary little lives plod resigned into the loading bay and ontot he trailer for home...and we face it all again in a few weeks time.
UPDATED 6.30pm Sunday November 8th. The foals are now in their new home in Cambridge. EQUINE MARKET WATCH Sanctuaries UK says a huge and grateful thank you to all concerned in their future.




Friday 6 November 2009

equinemarketwatch.myfreeforum.org :: Romany Kismet

equinemarketwatch.myfreeforum.org :: Romany Kismet: "on stolen horse register with pic

Crime Ref: 0709/351/334

Gender Mare
Description / Comments Sex: Mare
Height: 32'
Colour: Piebald
Brred: Mini Shetland

This mare is in foal. Back legs are white to hocks. White on rump running down into tail.
Colour Piebald
and White
Height 32 HH
Age Unknown
Stolen from Mowcop, Stoke-On-Trent, Staffs.

Any info please call 0845 458 0000 Congleton police station. or Farmkey, info@farmkey.com or 0870 870 7107
Date of Theft 31-10-2009
Region Cheshire Horsewatch"