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Thursday 23 September 2010

Where we do The Office- EMW-UK style

In a word - ARGH!!! Moving office must come somewhere in the top 5 of all time stressful happenings in a normally organised persons life. The time had definitely come to do this and as the opportunity to move into a slightly bigger porta-cabin-y thingy came up it was grasped in both hands. The day dawned, after the usual sanctuary work was done and brekkie duly eaten, and so the office move began. First of all the 'prep' of the shed on wheels was necessary, amazing to discover the floor was indeed blue not mud brown and how much pleasanter the aroma of lemon bleach than sweaty armpit and gallons of spilled tea!
I'm a great believer in less is more but to get less in meant adding more by way of a folding table to hold the incidental dross from old office before it could be stashed in new office. folding table outside is not immense, inside new office it became as huge as suitable for a banquet of 20! maneuvering the file chest, desk, table chairs filing cabinet and various odd desk tops involved some pretty nifty footwork. The old office, now mostly defunct of it's purpose, glaringly showed just how many spiders and other various wild creatures had been sharing with me, not a pleasant thought! Much dusting and de-cobwebbing has taken place of incoming furniture and  fittings to rid new office of lodgers!
Connecting up the I.T system and gubbins went reasonable easy although opening the file chest may prove interesting - even electrocuting if done wrong! One slight irritation is once everything was inside and in place we discovered a small gradient to the right which means I'm sitting compensating for the 'lean' by bracing  one leg against the drift! I also have no blind or curtains and facing out into the darkness could be a tad scary should I be burning the midnight oil - Note to self, remedy this asap!
I think I know where most things are now and I am thrilled to be able to stretch out and  work on uncluttered surfaces as well as have a small table and chairs for visitors and meetings, I no longer have chickens roaming in and out, passing traffic from outdoors to kitchen/downstairs loo, dont' have all the dogs asleep in lines ready to trip me on my way out,  but best of all I now go out to work away from home- be that only about 10 feet from the back door, it's still out!

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